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Entries in any medium are welcomed by the 2016 All Pikes Peak Reads Writing Center Contest! We encourage participants to find their own best voice and form of expression in their response to the contest prompts.
Submission deadline: Midnight, October 15, 2016.
Note: All submissions, regardless of medium, will include an email to the with the following submission form attached or copied and pasted into the body of the email. Apart from the submission form, please omit identifying information from your actual work (unless, in the case of film or dance, you yourself are part of the work) for the purposes of blind judging.  
Consult the specifications for your project, in terms of length and mode of submission, in the categories below.


Essays, including investigative journalism, op ed, or expose style pieces as well as academic essays: 3-10 pages

Poetry: up to 40 lines

Short fiction: 5-15 pages

Email as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf attachment to



Monologue or scene up to 15 pages.

Email as a .doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf attachment to



Nonfiction (documentary) or fiction: 3-10 minutes long, uploaded onto vimeo or youtube, copy/paste link into submission email to or attach as an .mp4



Between 1 and 5 minutes, quality video uploaded onto vimeo or youtube, copy/paste the link into the submission email to Choreography should be finalized at time of submission and titled.



Mixed media, sculpture, drawing, painting, etc.

Quality photograph of the work attached as .jpeg or .pdf. to submission email to

Consider submitting several photographs (but not more than 5), either capturing different angles of 3-D project, or giving a complete view and some close-ups of 2-D work to highlight detail.



Original composition, played/sung and recorded, or recorded via some music editing software (e.g. Garageband). Attach .mp3 or upload to vimeo or youtube and provide link in submission form.


Submit a Word doc or Pdf with student name, title of the project and link to the project web page. Must include button interactivity and sound effect or sound track.

If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact us
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